
Community Groups

Please view all solicitations below that you may be eligible for by being a community group. You will find a description and criteria for each solicitation listed below. Please select the check mark if you meet the prescribed criteria and please click the X if you do not meet the criteria.

Blue Alert Program

Description: Funds for an organization to support the COPS Office with coordinating the Blue Alert System to support the National Blue Alert Network.

Criteria: Is your agency a Public Government Agency, For Profit (Commercial) Organization, Non-Profit Organization, Institution of Higher Education, Community Group, or a Faith-Based Organization?

Community Policing Development: Law Enforcement Products and Resources Program

Description: Funds for projects that will develop products and resources on law enforcement topics, specifically designed for national distribution that offer creative ideas that advance crime fighting, community engagement, problem solving, or organizational changes in support of community policing. Proposed initiatives must be national in scope, which the COPS Office defines as intentionally developed to benefit agencies nationwide, not just a specific state or region. Examples of the types of products and resources that the COPS Office generally distributes include the following:

  • Online or in-person training curricula
  • Guidebooks
  • Emerging issues forums
  • Policy guides
  • Promising practices
  • Pilot programs, case studies, or evaluations
  • Roll-call videos
  • Podcasts or webinars
  • Self-assessment tools
  • Interactive websites

Criteria: Is your agency one of the following: Institution of Higher Education, Non-Profit Organization, Faith Based Organization, Community Group, or For Profit (Commercial) Organization?

Preparing for Active Shooter Situations (PASS)

Description: Funds to support a provider who can provide nationwide training to at least 20,000 first responders over the course of the award through scenario-based, multidisciplinary training classes.

Criteria: Is your agency one of the following: Institution of Higher Education, Non-Profit Organization, Faith Based Organization, Community Group, Public Government Agency, Federally Recognized Tribe and their Public Agencies, or For Profit (Commercial) Organization?

School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP) Solicitation

Description: Funds to improve security at schools and on school grounds in the award recipient’s jurisdiction through evidence-based school safety programs and technology.

Criteria:  Is your agency one of the following: State, Local, or Tribal Law Enforcement Agency, Unit of Local Government (e.g., county, city, school district), Federally Recognize Tribe and their Public Agencies, or a Public Government Agency?

Tribal Resources Grant Program – Technical Assistance Program (TRGP-TA) Solicitation

Description: Funds are used to support tribal law enforcement agencies through training and technical assistance efforts around community policing topics.

Criteria: Is your agency a Public Government Agency, Federally Recognized Indian Tribe and their Public Agencies, For Profit (Commercial) Organization, Non-Profit Organization, Institution of Higher Education, Community Group, or a Faith-Based Organization?



U.S. Department of Justice   
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services   
145 N Street NE   
Washington, DC 20530

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