
Compliance and Reporting

All grantees must ensure proper compliance and timely reporting on COPS Office grants and cooperative agreements. An overview of COPS Office compliance and reporting is outlined below. For more information related your award’s compliance and reporting requirements, please reference your Award Owner's Manual.


Each COPS Office grant or cooperative agreement must comply with terms established by the COPS Office. Common compliance areas include allowable costs, community policing, local source and matching funds, financial and programmatic reporting, retention, and supplanting. The COPS Office assesses compliance through on-site visits and enhanced office-based desk reviews.

See the Office for Civil Rights webpage for information about special circumstances applying to all entities in the State of Louisiana.



Performance (progress) report question surveys for COPS Office awards must be completed in the Justice Grants System (JustGrants).

Due Date: Performance reports for all open, active COPS Office awards are due semi-annually on August 30 and March 2. For exact due dates on any award, please visit the Performance Management tab of the funded award in JustGrants.

  • Exception: FY21 CTAS Tribal Grant Program awards follow a different semi-annual schedule with due dates in July and January.

Reporting Period covered: Regular interim reports are due 30 days after the semi-annual reporting period in JustGrants.

  • For reports due August 30, you must report on semi-annual activities and performance for the period February 1 – July 31.
  • For reports due March 2, you must report on activities and performance for the period August 1 – January 31.
February 1 – July 31 August 30
August 1 – January 31 March 2

Who completes the report:Only the Grants Award Administrator for your organization will be able to view and submit a performance report. The Alternate Grant Award Administrator will be able to complete the report, but will not be able to submit. For information on assigning a Grant Award Administrator to your award, see the Entity Management Job Aid Reference Guide on the JustGrants website.

Where to find the Performance Report question set: The Grant Award Administrator can locate the current report question set in JustGrants in two locations:

  • My Worklist or on the Performance Management tab of the funded award in JustGrants.
  • Information on JustGrants Performance Reporting is found here.

Late reporting: If a report is not submitted by the due date, funds for that award will be put on hold, preventing drawdown in the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system.

Final reports: A final performance report is due within120 days after the period of performance end date. The final report will cover activities and performance during the entire award period. To submit a final report, the Grants Award Administrator should locate the report question set in My Worklist or on the Performance Management tab in JustGrants. The report cover page will ask whether the report is an interim progress report or a final report – please select “final” to view final report questions.

Questions? Contact the COPS Office Response Center at AskCOPSRC@usdoj.gov or 800-421-6770, or your Grant Management Specialist.


You must submit a Federal Financial Report (FFR) using Standard Form 425 (SF-425) on a quarterly basis (within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter) via the Justice Grants System (JustGrants).

Jan. 1 – Mar. 31 April 30
April 1 – June 30 July 30
July 1 – Sept. 30 Oct. 30
Oct. 1 – Dec. 31 Jan. 30

If you do not submit your FFR by the due date, you will not be able to draw down funds through the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP).

See your Award Owner's Manual for more details.


At the end of your grant period, we require documentation demonstrating that you have met all the financial and programmatic requirements of the grant.

Within 120 days of the end of the period of performance (grant end date), you must

Note: If funds must be returned at award closeout, please refer to DOJ Grant Financial Guide for instructions.

  • Reconcile the final FFR against the internal accounting records, ensuring all entries in the accounting system are supported by adequate source documentation (for example, original invoices and contracts);
  • Submit a final Performance Report; and
  • Draw down any final payments in ASAP as reimbursement for allowable expenses incurred during the award period. After the 120 day liquidation period, recipients are unable to draw down funds in ASAP.

Please see your Award Owner's Manual and the DOJ Grant Financial Guide for complete details.

April 2021 Guidance Impacting Your     
DOJ COPS Grant Award

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