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The FY24 Community Policing Development (CPD) Microgrants Program was closed on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 4:59 PM ET.*
See the COPS Office's Grants page for current funding opportunities.
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The Fiscal Year 2024 Community Policing Development (CPD) Microgrants Program provides funding to local, state, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies to implement demonstration or pilot projects that offer creative ideas to advance crime fighting, community engagement, problem solving, or organizational changes in support of community policing.
Under this solicitation, the COPS Office will fund projects in the following subcategories:
Community Violence Intervention
The COPS Office will provide funding to develop and enhance programs that engage the community in violence reduction efforts including street outreach, violence interrupters, hospital-based interventions, group violence interventions, and other strategies that provide wraparound services to communities. Special consideration will be given to programs that develop or enhance gun violence interventions. Agencies should identify a list of activities and strategies based on prior research and best or promising practices. Applicants should clearly source each activity and strategy in the application. Agencies are encouraged to partner with institutions of higher education, community groups, other criminal justice stakeholders, and the general public on project activities.
Community Violence Intervention Resources
Hate Crimes and Domestic Extremism
The COPS Office will provide funding to develop or enhance programs that aid in the prevention of and response to hate crimes and domestic extremism. Agencies are encouraged to partner with institutions of higher education, community groups, other criminal justice stakeholders, and the general public on project activities.
Hate Crimes and Domestic Extremism Resources
Underserved Populations
The COPS Office will provide funding to develop or enhance programs that meet the needs of underserved populations. Underserved populations may include youth, older adults, communities of color, persons experiencing homelessness, LGBTQ+ individuals, persons with disabilities (physical, mental, or intellectual or neurodivergent), undocumented immigrants, and persons in economically disadvantaged situations. The application should identify the population(s) that will be the target audience for the project activities and how the agency determined that audience. Agencies are encouraged to partner with institutions of higher education, community groups, other criminal justice stakeholders, and the general public on project activities. For example, agencies may partner with nonprofit, higher education, and faith-based organizations to facilitate dialogues to develop shared goals that will enhance the collective safety of the community.
Underserved Populations Resources
Building Trust and Legitimacy with the Community
The COPS Office will provide funding to law enforcement agencies seeking to develop or enhance programs that focus on building trust and legitimacy between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Agencies are encouraged to partner with institutions of higher education, community groups, other criminal justice stakeholders, and the general public on project activities. For example, agencies may partner with diverse groups of community members, local elected officials, business leaders, and community members, including youth groups, to facilitate convenings around critical topics facing public safety. These convenings can be documented and shared with the COPS Office for broader distribution to other communities facing the same challenges. Dialogues through local partnerships with these types of organizations are also highly encouraged.
Building Trust and Legitimacy with the Community Resources
Open Topic Area
Law enforcement agencies are invited to propose projects that offer highly innovative solutions to address complex, locally identified community issues. Proposed project objectives and findings should prove useful to other law enforcement agencies nationally facing similar challenges. Proposed projects should not fit within other identified microgrant categories, nor should they be projects eligible for funding under other COPS Office grant programs (such as, but not exclusively, the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) or Promoting Access to Crisis Teams (PACT) programs). Successful projects should be replicable by peer agencies, and as such should include a toolkit, training, or other deliverable that allows for replication of the grantee’s efforts. Applicants are also encouraged to incorporate an evaluation and report component that can assist other law enforcement agencies in implementing similar programs.

Local Law Enforcement Agencies

State Law Enforcement Agencies

Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies

Territorial Law Enforcement Agencies
- CPD Microgrants Solicitation Guide
This solicitation guide includes general information on the administrative and legal requirements governing the COPS Office CPD Microgrants program as well as detailed program-specific information. - CPD Microgrants Pre-Award Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides quick reference information on the CPD Microgrants program. - CPD Microgrants Frequently Asked Questions
- CPD Microgrants Solicitation Survey Set
Need more information on how to apply to any of our programs?
For additional assistance we encourage you to visit the How to Apply page, which includes frequently asked questions, appendices, additional fact sheets, links to webinars, and other resources.
The COPS Office is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and build trust between law enforcement and the community.