

Building trust with the community is fundamental to effective policing. Sound conduct by police improves community interactions, enhances communication, and promotes shared responsibility for addressing crime and disorder.

Police departments can repair and strengthen community relationships by understanding and training officers on three key concepts: procedural justice, bias reduction, and racial reconciliation. Together and when implemented, these concepts create an environment in which effective partnerships between the police and citizens can flourish. The COPS Office provides these resources to ensure building trust is embedded in the culture of policing.

Risk Management in Law Enforcement: Discussions on Identifying and Mitigating Risk for Officers, Departments, and the Public 
In the course of executing their duties, law enforcement agencies are vulnerable to costly lawsuits by officers and community members for claims of misconduct, harm, or violation of rights - lawsuits that can undermine not only the financial security of the agencies but also the well-being of the officers and the public they serve.
Civilian Oversight of the Police in Major Cities 
Since the 1950s, when civilian oversight was first implemented in some American police departments, its use has grown and a variety of new forms have developed.
Lessons to Advance Community Policing: Final Report for 2014 Microgrant Sites 
In 2013, the COPS Office launched the Microgrant Initiative for Law Enforcement under the Community Policing Development program to facilitate the implementation or advancement of nationwide community policing efforts and address existing gaps in community policing knowledge and tools.
Crime Prevention Research Review No. 10: Legitimacy in Policing 
Assesses the direct and indirect benefits of interventions led by the police that contained elements of "procedurally just" dialogue

Cultures of Integrity Technical Assistance Guides: Details projects resulting from the COPS Office Creating a Culture of Integrity grant program

Racial Reconciliation, Truth-Telling, and Police Legitimacy 
Discusses issues raised at the executive session hosted by the COPS Office and the National Network for Safe Communities in Washington, D.C. on January 11, 2012
Building Trust Between the Police and the Citizens They Serve 
Focuses on the pivotal role of the Internal Affairs function in agency-wide professional standards efforts that seek to build trust between law enforcement agencies, their staff, and communities
COPS Evaluation Brief No. 3: Creating A Culture of Integrity 
Examines the successes and challenges of creating a culture of integrity
Mediating Citizen Complaints Against Police Officers: A Guide For Police and Community Leaders 
Addresses the implementation, expectations, and evaluation of police/citizen mediation programs, as well as how to overcome obstacles to mediation, such as police and citizen resistance



U.S. Department of Justice   
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services   
145 N Street NE   
Washington, DC 20530

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