
Community Policing Development: Tolerance, Diversity, and Anti-Bias Online Training

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The FY22 Tolerance, Diversity, and Anti-Bias Training - Community Policing Development Solicitation
was closed on Thursday, June 30, 2022, at 7:59 PM ET.*

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Law enforcement can rarely solve significant crime and disorder problems alone, and stakeholder engagement is critical to success. A key mechanism to ensuring improved trust and effective engagement is providing high quality, interactive training for law enforcement on police-community interactions. Law enforcement training on tolerance, anti-bias, diversity, and cultural awareness will help law enforcement agencies improve community engagement, increase trust, and enhance collaborative problem-solving efforts.

The FY22 Tolerance, Diversity, and Anti-Bias Training - Community Policing Development Solicitation has one open solicitation, with two subcategories:

  • Tolerance, Diversity, and Anti-Bias Training

    The COPS Office seeks an applicant to deliver an in-person tolerance, diversity, and anti-bias training program that encompasses cultural sensitivity components such as respect, acceptance, and appreciation of different groups’ identities (ethnic, racial, sexual orientation and gender); cultural diversity; and law enforcement interaction with people with disabilities, people with mental illnesses, and English language learners. The applicant should also plan to develop an online version of their in-person course for deployment in the COPS Training Portal. The applicant should be an organization with an existing state or nationally certified curricula in this area and well-established experience in training law enforcement personnel and criminal justice professionals.

  • Tribal Cultural Awareness Training and Technical Assistance

    The COPS Office seeks an applicant to develop an in-person training applicable to both tribal and nontribal law enforcement agencies that should cover the basics of both tribes and tribal history in conjunction with supplemental materials that cover tribal and regional or local components for the specific area that is being trained and the local tribes in that area. This training program should encompass sensitivity components such as tolerance, ethnic and racial bias, and cultural diversity.

Who is Eligible?

Public Government Agencies

Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and their Public Agencies

For Profit (Commercial) Organizations

Non-Profit Organizations

Institutions of Higher Education

Community Groups

Faith-Based Organizations

There is approximately $2 million in funding available through the FY 2022 Tolerance, Diversity, and Anti-Bias Training program’s two subcategories:

  • Subcategory 1: $1,700,000 – Tolerance, Diversity, and Anti-Bias Training
  • Subcategory 2: $300,000 – Tribal Cultural Awareness Training and Technical Assistance

Each award is two years (24 months) in duration. There is no local match.

Solicitation Documents

Need more information on how to apply to any of our programs?

For additional assistance we encourage you to visit the How to Apply page, which includes frequently asked questions, appendices, additional fact sheets, links to webinars, and other resources.

The COPS Office is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and build trust between law enforcement and the community.

Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to the CP Dispatch, the COPS Office e-newsletter, to learn about current news on awards and projects.