
Units of local government (e.g., counties, cities, school districts)

Please view all solicitations below that you may be eligible for by being a unit of local government (e.g., counties, cities, school districts). You will find a description and criteria for each solicitation listed below. Please select the check mark if you meet the prescribed criteria and please click the X if you do not meet the criteria.

Preparing for Active Shooter Situations (PASS)

Description: Funds to support a provider who can provide nationwide training to at least 20,000 first responders over the course of the award through scenario-based, multidisciplinary training classes.

Criteria: Is your agency one of the following: Institution of Higher Education, Non-Profit Organization, Faith Based Organization, Community Group, Public Government Agency, Federally Recognized Tribe and their Public Agencies, or For Profit (Commercial) Organization?

School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP) Solicitation

Description: Funds to improve security at schools and on school grounds in the award recipient’s jurisdiction through evidence-based school safety programs and technology.

Criteria:  Is your agency one of the following: State, Local, or Tribal Law Enforcement Agency, Unit of Local Government (e.g., county, city, school district), Federally Recognize Tribe and their Public Agencies, or a Public Government Agency?



U.S. Department of Justice   
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services   
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Washington, DC 20530

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