
Existing Accreditation Entities

Please view all solicitations below that you may be eligible for by being a existing accreditation entity. You will find a description and criteria for each solicitation listed below. Please select the check mark if you meet the prescribed criteria and please click the X if you do not meet the criteria.

Community Policing Development: Accreditation Solicitation

Description: Funding to increase the capacity of existing accreditation bodies to provide services to agencies including small, rural, and tribal law enforcement and to provide accreditation services in states that currently do not have them.  

Sub Category Solicitation:

  • Enhancing Existing Law Enforcement Accreditation Entities

    Description: Funds to support and enhance existing law enforcement accreditation bodies to facilitate law enforcement agencies’ ability to become law enforcement accredited.

    Criteria: Is your organization an Existing Accreditation Entity?



U.S. Department of Justice   
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services   
145 N Street NE   
Washington, DC 20530

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