In this video, procedural justice trainers Charlene L. Moe and
Lieutenant Leo Daniels of the University of Illinois, Center
for Public Safety and Justice, discuss procedural justice.
Procedural justice refers to the idea of fairness in the processes that resolve disputes and allocate resources. It is a concept that, when embraced, promotes positive organizational change and bolsters better relationships. Procedural justice speaks to four principles, often referred to as the four pillars:
- fairness in the processes
- transparency in actions
- opportunities for voice
- impartiality in decision making
Community-Oriented Trust and Justice Briefs: Procedural Justice Focuses on the way police and other authorities interact with the public and how those interactions can shape the public view of police |
Crime Prevention Research Review No. 10: Legitimacy in Policing Assesses the direct and indirect benefits of interventions led by the police and found interventions with a procedural justice component enhanced citizens’ views on the legitimacy of the police |
Implementing a Comprehensive Performance Management Approach for First-Line Supervisors in Community Policing Organizations: An Executive Guidebook Demonstrates how to incorporate principles of procedural justice into performance management systems |
Procedural Justice for Law Enforcement: An Overview Introduces law enforcement professionals to the concept of procedural justice |
- The Case for Procedural Justice: Fairness as a Crime Prevention Tool
- The Importance of Legitimacy in Hot Spot Policing
- The Importance of Procedural Justice
- Organizational Change through Decision Making and Policy: A New Procedural Justice Course for Managers and Supervisors
- Procedural Justice: Advancing Police Legitimacy
- Procedural Justice: High Expectations
- “That’s Not Fair!” Policing and Perceptions of Fairness
- Institutionalizing Procedural Justice (Chief Will Johnson)
- Institutionalizing Procedural Justice in Police Departments (Chief Michael Davis)
- Procedural Justice (Charlene Moe)
- Procedural Justice (Dr. T. Bowman)
- Procedural Justice (Dr. Tom Tyler)
- Procedural Justice: Building Trust (Maurice Classen)
- Procedural Justice: Mental Illness (Dr. Amy Watson)
- Procedural Justice: Organizational Change (Commissioner Robert Haas and Deputy Superintendent Christine Elow)
- Procedural Justice: Performance Evaluations (Chuck Wexler)
- Procedural Justice: Policies and Practices (Mark Neufeld)
- Procedural Justice: Training (Sue Rahr)
- Procedural Justice: Use of Force (Corporal Charles Fernandez)