

The National Officer Safety and Wellness (OSW) Group brings together representatives from law enforcement, federal agencies, and the research community to address the significantly high number of officer gunfire fatalities and to improve officer safety and wellness. During quarterly meetings, participants contribute to the creation of officer safety and wellness tools and resources.

The OSW Group hopes to encourage the adoption of cultures of safety and wellness among the nation’s law enforcement agencies. The goals of the group are:

  • To create an opportunity and environment for law enforcement organizations and researchers to collaborate on improving officer safety and wellness.
  • To bring together law enforcement organizations and researchers to share knowledge and information about officer safety and wellness initiatives.
  • To broadly disseminate information and best practices to the field through the government and law enforcement organizational communications mechanisms.

Over the years the OSWG has discussed these critical officer safety and wellness issues and produced a number of resources aimed to encourage the nation’s law enforcement agencies to adopt a culture that embraces the value of safety and wellness. The COPS Office and BJA continue to strive to provide agencies with the tools necessary to develop effective programs that address some of the most persistent and prevalent safety and wellness issues facing law enforcement officers today.



U.S. Department of Justice   
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services   
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Washington, DC 20530

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