

Every police department has a role to play in homeland security, and community policing is essential to public safety at both the local and national levels.

COPS Office resources will help you use the community policing philosophy to navigate the complexities of intelligence gathering, information sharing, privacy, and civil liberties.

Policing the Connected World: Using Social Network Analysis in Police-Community Partnerships 
Law enforcement agencies are increasingly using social network analysis (SNA) to understand the organization of gangs and other criminal networks, to identify their relationships, and to analyze data that can be used to focus crime prevention efforts
Lessons to Advance Community Policing: Final Report for 2014 Microgrant Sites 
In 2013, the COPS Office launched the Microgrant Initiative for Law Enforcement under the Community Policing Development program to facilitate the implementation or advancement of nationwide community policing efforts and address existing gaps in community policing knowledge and tools
Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships to Prevent Violent Extremism 
This report on the Forum for Building Interdisciplinary Partnerships to Prevent Violent Extremism documents the discussion of the forum participants, provides case studies of collaborative efforts and recommendations from forum participants on building partnerships among stakeholders critical to preventing violent extremism.
Report on the National Summit on Empowering Communities to Prevent Violent Extremism 
Offers a framework to improve community engagement, trust , prevention, and intervention regarding individuals at risk for engaging in violent extremism
Uniting Communities Post-9/11: Tactics for Cultivating Community Policing Partnerships with Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian Communities 
Aims to explore how community oriented policing strategies could support homeland security initiatives while building stronger, more trustful relationships between communities and police

Awareness Briefs:  
Focus on how domestic and international extremists of all persuasions are using social media to promote their ideologies and what community policing strategies law enforcement can use to counter these efforts

Building Relationships of Trust: 
Provides detailed information police officers and community members should consider when trying to build trusting relationships

Using Community Policing to Counter Violent Extremism: 5 Key Principles for Law Enforcement 
Discusses five key principles of community policing applied to homeland security concerns and provides practical examples from law enforcement agencies implementing community policing approaches to counter violent extremism
Enhancing the Law Enforcement Intelligence Capacity 
Provides recommendations on developing and maintaining a criminal intelligence capacity
Law Enforcement Intelligence: A Guide for State, Local and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies 
Covers intelligence-led policing, civil rights and privacy in the law enforcement intelligence process, public-private partnerships, fusion centers, suspicious activity, and open source information
National Summit on Intelligence: Gathering, Sharing, Analysis and Use after 9/11  
Outlines ways to overcome persistent challenges in intelligence sharing
Policing Terrorism: An Executive's Guide 
Focuses on terrorism prevention and preparedness for executives
Integrated Intelligence and Crime Analysis 
Examines the disconnect between crime analysis and intelligence analysis found in many law enforcement agencies

Protecting Your Community From Terrorism: 
Covers an executive session in November 2002 that brought together law enforcement executives, antiterrorist experts, and other leading thinkers on terrorist threats


Federal Bureau of Investigation 
Protects and defends the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, upholds and enforces the criminal laws of the United States, and provides leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners

National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) 
Serves as the primary organization in the U.S. government for integrating and analyzing all intelligence pertaining to terrorism possessed or acquired by the U.S. government (except purely domestic terrorism)

National Criminal Intelligence Resource Center 
Provides a multitude of resources concerned with law enforcement intelligence operations and a clearinghouse for counter-terrorism-related information for local law enforcement

U.S. Department of Homeland Security  
Provides protection to the nation through a wide range of duties including preserving individual rights under the law (Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties) and the gathering of intelligence and information to maintain a safe, secure, and resilient homeland (Office of Intelligence and Analysis)



U.S. Department of Justice   
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services   
145 N Street NE   
Washington, DC 20530

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