The COPS Office was full of activity at the 2014 National Sheriffs' Association Annual Conference on June 20–25. COPS Office staff led three panels, had space in the exhibit hall, made social media posts, and attended meetings with stakeholders.
The panels captured three essential topics of community policing: procedural justice and officer safety; police and dog encounters; and the risks that adding children and drugs create. Each panel featured academic, practitioner, and law enforcement executive experts who provided participants with research, examples, and practical tools for sheriff offices across the county. When not leading panels, staff attended various presentations on topics related to community policing and advancing public safety in order to broaden the knowledge and expertise of the COPS Office. For more information on any of the topics, the COPS Office has a series of resources. Please visit the Dispatch Archive, the Beat, the Learning Center, and the Resource Center.
In the exhibit hall, the COPS Office had booth space to provide resources, share information, and answer questions from conference participants. Many of the publications produced by the COPS Office were present at the booth so participants could take home resources related to solving issues and building partnerships within their communities. Outside of the exhibit hall, staff met with stakeholders on issues facing their communities and held meetings with grantees.
You may have noticed that the COPS Office provided social media updates through Twitter while attending the conference to share where staff was located, panel times, and interesting community policing information learned at the conference. If you are interested in hearing more from the COPS Office through social media, follow us on Twitter, @COPSOffice.
Melissa Bradley, COPS Office
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