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2015 L. Anthony Sutin Civic Imagination Award Winners

The L. Anthony Sutin Civic Imagination Award pictureThe COPS Office is pleased to announce Columbia Heights (Minnesota) Police Chief Scott Lewis Nadeau and Columbia Heights Superintendent Kathy L. Kelly as the winners of the 2015 L. Anthony Sutin Civic Imagination Award.

The Sutin Civic Imagination Award recognizes the efforts of collaborative partnerships within the community. This honor is bestowed upon a team of law enforcement and community members whose innovative civic interactions have transformed public safety in their community. Nominees are those actively engaged with the community in a multifaceted manner that has been sustained over time and has resulted in positive, observable public safety outcomes.

An ideal nominee:

  • creates sustainable collaborations that are innovative, creative, and transformative;
  • displays civic leadership through problem solving and collaborative partnerships;
  • institutionalizes sustainable, positive, observable public safety outcomes;
  • promotes public safety through dedication to the community policing philosophy.

Columbia Heights Chief Scott Lewis Nadeau and Columbia Heights Superintendent Kathy Kelly developed a strategic partnership between the police department and the school district. Together, they invested in the community and schools to improve and meet the specific needs of the students.

Overall, the leadership and partnership of Superintendent Kelly and Chief Nadeau has created a positive and strong response prior to a critical incident. Their passion for safety and the well-being of the community embodies all of the principles of the L. Anthony Sutin Civic Imagination Award.

For their great work and dedication to the community, the COPS Office congratulates Chief Nadeau and Superintendent Kelly on winning the 2015 L. Anthony Sutin Civic Imagination Award!

Nazmia E.A. Comrie
Senior Social Science Analyst
COPS Office

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